laExpose’ Founder launches new brand!

Diving into realms of vibrant colors, LaVerne emerges as a visionary, eclectic Afrocentric designer. With a brush that weaves threads of culture and floral patterns, their art pulsates with rhythm and expression. Influenced by the rich tapestry of African traditions and global diasporic experiences, each print becomes a journey through imagination.

Born to celebrate creativity, LaVerne’s work defies boundaries, blending traditional techniques with contemporary perspectives. Her diverse products, which feature the hues of Africa’s landscapes, from the fiery reds of Sahara sands to the lush greens of Amazon forests, offer many choices for clients. Through intricate patterns and bold strokes, she reimagines life and narratives, echoing ancestors’ whispers while embracing modern life’s complexities.

Educated in the Bible and Community College, LaVerne honed a distinctive style that marries realism with abstract symbolism, capturing the essence of the human experience. Exhibited on 5 different platforms, her art sparks conversations about heritage, southern charm, and the universal quest for artist expression.

A beacon for cultural pride and artistic exploration, LaVerne continues to redefine Afrocentric art, inspiring viewers to see the world through kaleidoscopic lenses of creativity and consciousness.

About LaVerne Adekunle, PhD

LaVerne is a visual and textile designer and acrylic painter. Her patterns are created to share the warmth, joy, curiosity, and nostalgia she felt from her grandmother, Nannie Phillips, and mom, Delores Morris, for whom her inspiration originated. She is the founder of laExpose Productions and an award-winning author.

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